Purple Shu Pu'er
Purple Shu Pu'er

Purple Shu Pu'er

$ 19.00

Purple Shu Pu'er: 2012 ripe pu'er grown at over 4,500' of elevation in Southwestern Yunnan, China. In certain climates and weather patterns, tea trees will produce much higher levels of a flavonoid called anthocyanin to protect themselves from ultraviolet rays. The leaves turn a darker purple color, and take on a unique flavor not found in other teas. The incredible flavor is matched by a whole host of health benefits anthocyanin is believed to have. Unique flavor with a smooth mouthfeel and enjoyably sweet finish.

Tasting Notes: papaya, cream, chanterelle, cacao nib.

Brewing Guidelines: Gaiwan/Yixing fill 1/3 full with leaf. 190º-205º water. Rinse leaves and discard. 20 second steeps for first 3 infusions. Add 10 seconds to each additional infusion. Teapot/mug 1 tbsp of dry leaf per 8oz of 195º water. Steep for 3 minutes for first two infusions. 5 for each additional.